A Proud Moment for Bialik — Thank You for Your Incredible Support

A Proud Moment for Bialik — Thank You for Your Incredible Support

March 7, 2025

As I take a moment for reflection after all the excitement of our Day of Giving, I feel so incredibly proud of Bialik. The unbelievable generosity and the unity of our community were inspiring.

In a conversation I had with one of our Day of Giving Co-Chairs, we were remarking on the palpable energy in our buildings. There was a huge buzz of parent volunteers calling and texting their friends and family, high school volunteers busy calling our families, and curious students coming by, wanting to find out more about the day. We could feel the excitement in the room as we saw the numbers on the screen growing and growing throughout the day, surpassing our initial goals well ahead of schedule. It was truly remarkable to witness the Bialik Kehillah coming together in support of our school and our students.

A total of 960 donors rallied together to raise an amazing $808,662 on the Day of Giving. What a powerful show of confidence in Bialik!

Given all that has happened over the last year, we have really come to understand that a Bialik education is a gift, and receiving a strong Jewish education is more important than ever.

This Day of Giving was a truly impactful day where we saw the strength of our community coming together to support our great school. We appreciate the responsibility of educating over 1,500 students and, on a day like this, we feel empowered with all of you fully behind us. Doing it together, as one, and giving meaningfully so that we can make our students’ school experience one-of-a-kind, feels wonderful.

Each of you who supported the day, whether with financial support, time, energy and resources all help ensure that our students have the excellent Jewish education they deserve. The impact of that is significant. Thank you, for helping to make Bialik the special place that it is.

I especially want to thank all our amazing volunteers, committee members and Day of Giving Co-Chairs. Your enthusiasm was infectious and the results of your hard work show in the participation of our community on Day of Giving.

If you missed the Day of Giving but still want to be part of the Annual CommUNITY Campaign, it’s not too late. You can go online to give at donate.bialik.ca.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and Shabbat Shalom.

Aily Goodis
Acting Director of Development